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Late Summer: Everything I’m Adding to Cart

With each passing summer, I find my annoyance grow as soon as we reach that end of August early September lull. Like clockwork, people rush to cut the season short; already chatting about the sweaters they’ll buy, and the warm drinks they’ll enjoy. For me, as hot as it can be, summer is pure and utter bliss. I feel like a kid again every time she rolls around; splashing in big bodies of water, ice cream for dinner, and tanned, shimmering skin I wish would stay all year long. I love summer, and summer loves me, so i’m happy to squeeze it out as long as I can.

Being so deeply in love with this time, I oddly, often fail to ever tap into early or high summer shopping. Maybe it’s the heat giving me brain fog—or, honestly, anxiety pressing purchase knowing a majority of my time spent in my city will be cold making the purchase moot anyways—but, almost everything you wear (at least in the city) will be gross by the end of the day; drenched with sweat or riddled with a mysterious stain. So to be honest, the least amount of clothing and accessories on or in my mind (or cart), the better.

As we now approach late summer though, it feels like the brain fog is lifting when it comes to shopping and the giddiness of purchasing new items has visited me once again. This time that we’re in beckons us into the perfect sweet spot of the season—just warm enough during the day AND night to still wear sandals, but cool enough at night to sneak a light cardigan or jacket to drinks. I can’t stop making lists and saving items across platforms, so without further ado, here’s everything I’ve been slowly adding to cart.

P.S. tap each item to shop/explore/add to a wishlist :)