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What to Do, When You Don't Know What to Do.

Listen to a song that brings you back to a time when you did feel like you knew what you were doing. Or at least, it felt close to figuring out what you were doing.

Go on a walk but take a different route. To sweeten the deal, treat yourself to a coffee or treat from a new cafe. It’s ok if you still order the same thing.

Buy that one self-help book you kept wondering whether or not you should get. Opt for the audiobook version, and listen to the entire thing on a walk. Preferably during the early hours of the day.

Text a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while and set up a time to grab a drink.

Treat yourself to (1) nice item that’s been on your wishlist for like, ever.

Fill up 2 pages in your journal. It can be about anything, whatever comes to mind. Word dump.