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I Miss My Internet-Micro-Dosed Brain

I miss my internet-micro-dosed brain. Not my pre-internet brain, my slightly internet-touched brain. That 2005-2011ish time when you’d venture into the computer room — which at the time, felt 80% magical and 20% terrifying (because of the whole, anyone can find where you live on the internet thing). You’d keep the door slightly cracked per parent rules, slide into an overly cushioned chair, and move the mouse around until a screen lit up. I don’t know about you, but I’d personally spend the few hours I had online scrolling through Yahoo answers (and answering questions too), chatting to my friends on AIM or Oovoo, and most importantly, watching YouTube videos — a lot of them.

The internet will never be what it used to be, but there’s something both oddly comforting and admittedly, a little sad about rewatching the videos we couldn’t stop quoting and reenacting over and over again at school. You never got sick of it, because you often had to go through great lengths just to rewatch it or share it with a friend. And the whole idea of working to discover something new that might make you laugh even harder will truly never exist the way it did then.

If it’s been a while since you laughed until you couldn’t breathe watching a grainy YouTube video with your friends, keep scrolling to go back in time and relive pure nostalgia: