Meet: Kathryn Kearney


NYC-Based founder and Commissioner of Fun of the event organization, Label

Join us as we chat with Kathryn about building Label, the power of community, and more.


Before we start, for those who don’t know you, can you share with us what you do and where you’re based?

I’m the Founder and Commissioner of Fun for Label, an events organization based in New York, NY.

For those who aren’t familiar with Label, can you share a little bit about the platform?

Label is an arts organization that hosts literary, music, and dance events. 

What inspired you to start Label?

I worked with New People’s Cinema Club in 2021 and was inspired by the scene they cultivated through cinema. I was interested in the ways in which they brought people together through events and screenings.

I was always intrigued by the downtown arts scene and drew inspiration from Kate Levitt, the head of New People’s Cinema Club, to start my own organization that focused on the arts, and specifically literature. Our first event took place in August of 2022 at KGB Bar in the East Village where we had a variety of readers and performance acts.

Having originally started out as a virtual platform, what was the motivation to evolve it to IRL hosting/events?

Label started as a virtual dashboard to promote other organizations’ events. I named the organization, ‘Label’ because everyone in New York has so many different labels that they associate with, and thought it was fitting for the community that I’m surrounded by. I used Instagram as a way to bring attention to what was happening around New York throughout the week.

I tended to post anywhere from 10 to 15 events a week on our grid to highlight what other organizers were putting on around the city. I was motivated to start producing my own events when my friend Ryan Keenan encouraged me to start bringing people together and create my own organization that puts on events in New York.

When Ryan told me that he would help to produce the first event, I was beyond excited and eager to start reaching out to potential readers and performers to take part in our first event.

How do you go about selecting and curating the events? Is there a specific criteria you consider?

I try to select people who will compliment each other and also bring different perspectives, writing styles, and talents to that event. I curate the events based on what’s happening in the community and demonstrated interest by potential readers and artists who want to partake in the events.

How has community shaped the growth and evolution of Label?

The community is at the center of Label. I’ve worked with all different types of artists since I started Label and have loved getting to know everyone from who’s been a featured artist to helpers to audience members. Label has evolved to be an organization that really focuses on people who want to showcase their work and come together to celebrate artistry and talent. 

Having hosted events in NYC for a bit now, have you noticed the scene evolve in terms of who tends to come out?

I think the scene has evolved in the sense that people are more inclined to come out to hear new voices in the literary world, listen to music made by emerging artists, and meet new people. I think there’s a general crowd of familiar faces that show up to most Label events but it’s always exciting when new faces emerge. 

Out of all of the events you’ve hosted, is there one in particular that’s really stood out to you?

I think our first event, ‘Label’s Late Summer Social’ was truly remarkable because it was the first time that I really connected the dots with finding a proper venue to curating an eclectic group of performances to promoting the event and everything in between. While I wasn’t actually present for the event, I brought it to life with my friends and co-heads of Label, Jack Sofka and Ryan Keenan. We had amazing photographers who captured each second of the event’s beautiful chaos which I can look back on and know that with the help of Jack and Ryan, we brought an idea to life. 

How do you see Label evolving in the coming years?

I hope that we can venture more into hosting events that feature different mediums like film, the visual arts and scent. I want to host in more unique spaces in the way that Dream Baby Press is doing which is led by Matt Starr and Zack Roif. I would love for us to evolve in ways that bring larger groups together in intimate spaces and offer unique event experiences. 

As a founder, what’s one piece of advice you’d share with someone looking to start their own project?

I think you have to be confident in yourself and trust in the people around you that they will support you. It’s important to believe in your abilities and your ideas as someone who wants to start their own project. 

Before we let you *almost* go, where can we find more of you?!

Come to the next Label event! Be in the know by following our Instagram account,


Let’s Get Deep 

What’s your theme song?

One More Time” by Daft Punk. 

Night In or Night Out?

Night out!

When do you feel the most you? 

When I am surrounded by friends and family, eating good food, listening to music, laughing, and enjoying each others’ company.  

Call or Text?

Call, for sure. 

When was the last time you cried? 

When my brother walked off the football field after playing his last game of his college career after playing football since he was a little kid.

When’s the last time you laughed? 

During a kickball game when my friend, Adriana, showed up in a ridiculous costume for our Halloween game and we ultimately won the costume contest.

What’s something you’re obsessed with right now?

Something I am obsessed with right now is making cards. It’s such a nice, creative outlet for me to design cards for friends with thoughtful messages, especially around the holidays. It’s been my tradition to make homemade cards for my parents for Christmas so this is definitely the time of year when the colored pencils come out to play. 

Current favorite follow on social media? 

@goodshirts because they post hilarious t-shirt sayings that make my day.

Lastly, what’s one thing you would tell your 16-year-old self? 

Trust yourself and be grateful for what you have, always. You have the greatest family, supportive friends, and a strong sense of self that will carry you along the way. 

Find more of Kathryn & Label here:

Instagram @kathryn_kearney


Listen to Kathryn’s Playlist: Here