Meet: Jo Rosenthal


NYC-Based Baker, Writer, & painter

Join us as we chat about New York, authenticity, and style inspiration.


Before we start, for those who don’t know you, share with us what you do and where you’re based!

I’m a baker, writer & painter who lives in Brooklyn, but in my head, I’m a traveling late-night talk show host

Your writing style invites readers in, explores personal moments, and dives head-first into vulnerability. How do you decide what to share with your audience vs what you keep just for yourself?

If you looked me directly in the eyes, you’d know everything- so as long as you’re not doing that…

Being based in New York, do you think the city has influenced your writing style or the themes you explore?

I often think to myself that if this is the city that never sleeps, why is it so hard to get a good bowl of spaghetti after midnight? Because of the spaghetti issue, I get inspiration to stay up late and write to the sounds of the city. On Saturday nights I listen to Tony Orlando. One might say I’m influenced by New York.

In a time of overconsumption—especially when it comes to content, how do you approach your work (and even personal style) in a way that feels authentic to you? 

Whenever I’m about to do anything, I like to repeat “you are cool” over and over again in my head.

You have a fantastic piece from your newsletter about what you wish you knew about dating. If there’s one thing past you could tell yourself right now in this very moment about dating that you may not have touched on in the piece, what would it be?

Not everything is content. 

This closing line from one of your recent newsletters has also really stuck with us: “Sometimes I forget how important friendship is, and when it feels this good, I imagine that this is what true love feels like and that it must be right around the corner waiting to greet me.” How do you think you’ve evolved when it comes to approaching relationships—both romantic & platonic?

Every day I find something new to laugh at.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read recently?

I read the back of a peanut butter chocolate bar that a friend from London left in my fridge

When it comes to personal style, it feels like you’ve nailed it on the head. Who or what have been some of your recent inspirations that have influenced your style?

My friend Oliver has this vintage store called Quality Mending, and I feel like it’s my exact style.

I had a dream the other night that I had a custom brown suit, and I’ve been walking the Earth looking for one ever since. 

What’s an outfit you can put on and instantly feel good in?

I have these dark blue jeans missing the second button that are my favorite. Paired with an old t-shirt and some heels, I feel like the best version of myself. 

We have to ask—what’s one exciting item on your wishlist right now?

A one-way ticket to London

What’s your go-to solo activity that gets you out of your apartment on days when you’re in a funk? 

Walking over the Williamsburg Bridge from Brooklyn into Manhattan

Before we let you *almost* go, where can we find more of you?!  

You can find me walking around the city or online :-)


Let’s Get Deep 

What’s your theme song?

Rhapsody in Blue (the 1924 version) by George Gershwin

Night In or Night Out?

Wherever there’s people to look at. 

When do you feel the most you? 

Right before I order ice cream

What’s something you’re obsessed with right now? 

Simon Rich’s stories on the New Yorker

Call or Text?

Face Time, but the real kind 

When was the last time you cried? 


When’s the last time you laughed? 


Current favorite follow on social media? 

@deardavidmoses, @samyoukilis, @cawleystudio, @cormio 

Lastly, what’s one thing you would tell your 16-year-old self? 

It doesn’t necessarily get better, but it definitely gets more fun and you’ll start to care less.

Find more of Jo here:

Instagram: @jorosenthal

Listen to Jo’s Playlist: Here