Meet: Mackenzie Thomas


la-based artist

Join us as we chat about online communities, journaling, being famous, and more.


Before we start, for those who don’t know you, share with us what you do and where you’re based!  

I’m Mackenzie, I make things about Mackenzie, and I live in Hollywood. 

You have these incredibly written diary entries that you share online, all starting out from when you were super young. Do you remember what initially drew you in to start journaling?

I’ve always written, and I’ve always had a lot to say. I don’t know what made me want to start journaling, but I’ve almost always kept one. I had a lot to say when I was younger, so I believe I started a diary just to consolidate my thoughts.

I’m an only child and moved a bit as a kid, so I never really had another person to talk about what I was thinking with. I’ve always found comfort in writing about me, and I’ve always been self-documenting. The diaries are just something that fell in my line of fire. 

Something cool about the internet is this sense of community, even if it’s not super tangible. Through shared videos, songs, words, etc., you discover you’re less alone in whatever it is you’re going through. All of this to say, what made you want to share your diary entries, among other parts of your life online

I have a deep need inside of me to share personal things about myself to strangers online. It’s an art to me. I’ve always been doing it. I was a Tumblr girl, I grew up in niche communities online where I felt pretty held by the people I associated with, so I posted anything and everything I wanted. This was a few years before the idea of a “finsta” was culturally embraced, and online etiquette was far from the forefront of people’s minds. I stopped using Tumblr a few years ago, but my need to share myself online never really wavered. I went to Instagram, Twitter, and then TikTok. Over the years, I’ve realized that oversharing myself is my favorite thing to give to others. Sharing my diaries is just another part of my practice. 

This peek into personal moments throughout your life is mostly behind a screen. What was it like to share other personal moments, ideas, and actual *things*, IRL with your project, Personal Heaven

It was cool. It felt different. That project is a lot more visual. It’s weird, I feel a lot more vulnerable sharing the pictures that I drew for Personal Heaven than I do when sharing things on the internet that give people extreme secondhand embarrassment. 

When it comes to digital work vs physical (tangible) work, like your zine for instance, which one do you find yourself wanting to lean into more?

Neither, really. I want to do everything. I don’t think I’m really called to any specific place or medium, if I want to make something I’ll find the best medium for it to exist and make it happen for me. The relationship I have with myself digitally and tangibly is pretty intertwined. Everything I make, write, paint, or post feels very connected. Nothing I’ve made feels like a giant departure, because I kinda view my life/existence as one massive art piece.

For those who are wanting to share their work online, but feel hesitant—for whatever reason—what’s some advice you’d share with them?

The internet is the best place to try stuff. You get immediate reactions without the pressure of being in front of an audience. If that sounds appealing to you, my advice is to post and if you feel weird, you can always delete it. 

Along with your work, it’s also safe to say we’re big fans of your personal style too. Who or what has been a style inspiration for you lately?  

I don’t really have an answer that is current, I’ve always liked the same stuff. I love Blythe dolls, calico critters, Matilda, the color red, the color navy, anything school uniform, anything beatlemania, anything timeless, anything that looks like human sized doll clothing. I hate logos, I love vintage, and I’m lukewarm about modern sportswear.

If you could be famous for one thing and one thing only, what would it be for, and why?

I think it would be cool to be famous for being Mackenzie because I love her.

What inspired you to bring Personal Heaven to life? 

Personal Heaven was created right after I graduated college. I went to school for Comedic Arts at Emerson and spent four years thinking deeply about comedy and comedy writing. I have a lot to give as a person and an artist, and my time at Emerson didn’t really give me the space to explore other interests that lived outside of the realm of comedy. A few months after graduation, I moved to Hollywood, started going on long walks, and feeling really happy. I would take photos on my walks and draw what I saw when I came home at night. Quickly, it turned into a body of work. About 5 months into the project, I was asked if I wanted to have an art show to celebrate the release of the zine, so I taught myself how to paint in six months and pulled off a pretty cute art show at Leimin Space in Chinatown. 

 Before we let you *almost* go, where can we find you, and what are you up to next?

All I can say is that I’m writing something… 


Let’s Get Deep 

What’s your theme song?

Spring by Angel Olsen has kinda been the theme song of my last 11 months. It’s a love song about what time does to people. In 2022, I  realized how much of adult life is a surrender to time and this song has really helped me process that.

Night In or Night Out

Night in … but I can be persuaded. 

When do you feel most you?


What’s something you’re obsessed with right now?

Trader Joe’s Brioche Vegan Bread. I used to eat so much of the non vegan one that it made me really sick a few times. I don’t know if the bread being vegan or not has anything to do with me getting sick, but I’m obsessed with having a new option. Verdict is out on whether it makes me sick or not. 

Call or Text?

Depends who you are. 

When was the last time you cried?

A few days ago, I cried about the concept of stability on the floor of my living room. 

When’s the last time you laughed?

My roommate Taryn and I have a big laugh almost every night together. Last night we laughed about how Zac Efron looks like P-22. 

Current favorite follow on social media?
Jesuswasajock on Instagram. She’s one of the smartest people we have, watching her process herself is a gift. I love love love her. 

Lastly, what’s one thing you would tell your 16-year-old self?

Your eyebrows are beautiful. Stop plucking them in that weird way it looks bad and stupid.

Find more of Mackenzie here:

TikTok: @dumbmackenzie

Insta: @mackenzie

Twitter: @evilmackenzie

Listen to Mackenzie’s Playlist: Here