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Magic 8 Balls, Charlie Bardey's Tweets, & Matching PJ’s

Ask With Caution

If you’ve ever been curious or a little frightened about your future, just ask a magic 8 ball. I got my first one when I was around 10 after a trip to Toys R Us. I originally wanted an Ouija board, but my mom said no, and now looking back, I really respect her not being down to potentially invite a ghost or two into the house. According to the (i think) official website:

The Magic 8 Ball can be trusted. It can be as much as you want to trust it, and yourselves – all about how much you know what you want to ask it, how well you know how to interpret and read its answers and how much you really trust it.

I remember being in the backseat trying to rip open the box it came in, and that we had just freshly purchased not even 30 seconds prior. I had a running list of questions that came in and out of my mind all week, and I was dying for some clarity. My first question was perfect, and to the point (you need to be if you want any answers): “Will I be famous?” I whispered to the magic ball. BETTER NOT TELL YOU NOW.

If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that the best famous people didn’t expect it, it just sort of happened. So, I really resonated with that answer. The next two questions I asked were: Will Carlos ask me to be his Valentine? and, Will I get a puppy for Christmas? Both questions received the same answer, CAN’T SAY NOW.

Reader…Carlos asked me on a date to the movies a few days before Valentine’s Day, and I got the puppy on a random Wednesday in January. Trust the (sort of) magic of the 8 ball.

Click here to buy one for you, a friend, or a lover!


If you ever just need a really good laugh, might I suggest Charlie Bardey's Tweets? Charlie is an NYC-based comedian who I randomly came across a few years back, and now I can’t believe there was ever a time when I didn’t follow him. His tweets feel like someone went inside my mind and pulled out every thought I’ve ever had and pasted them on Twitter. They’re a little insane but also, so true. It feels good to be seen. Here are some of my favorites:

Click here to follow Charlie: @chunkbardey

wear matching pj’s & get your life together

In 2018, The Cut published an article on how pajama sets basically give you a false sense of control, and I truthfully couldn’t agree more.

If you’re anything like me (25), waking up in the morning can sometimes feel disorienting, and kinda scary, no matter what you’ve done the night before. Like, there were 3 days last week that I woke up and genuinely had to think about

1) What day it was

2) Where I was

If you’ve found yourself in this position, the act of sleep or really just your nighttime routine can also probably feel a bit overwhelming. So, why not give yourself a little treat (cute sleepwear) and also take away the pressure of which big tee you’re gonna wear that night?

Here are a few of my favorite: